
Samsung Galaxy S4 – Consumer Satisfaction at Its Highest

service smartphone

Samsung Galaxy S4 – Consumer Satisfaction at Its Highest

Samsung Galaxy S4 was the first smartphone to sport full-service carrier services, and the brand is now following up with a second handset in the popular M&A bandwagon – the Galaxy Note. Its predecessor was a huge success mainly because it offered users everything that they’d come to expect from a high-end smartphone – excellent user interface, advanced hardware, and a wealth of features. Samsung’s new Note promises to carry this same level of high-end performance and efficiency, but also to add even more – most importantly, it will be able to make its full-service experience much easier for those who want to use their smartphones as a business tool.

While all phones have their distinct features and capabilities, there are few handsets that combine all the key features of a smartphone into one convenient package. Not only does the Note offer a wide array of features (many of which are exclusive to Samsung), but it also comes packaged with Samsung’s own range of voice-activated home assistants. Home assistants work with users to take calls, manage tasks like social media integration, manage documents and calendars, and streamline everyday life through features like music control and automation.

Voice-activated home devices are especially useful for people who don’t always want to get out of their chairs to answer calls. With the Note, this is entirely possible thanks to the built-in Bichon system – this is basically a miniature assistant with the capacity to perform a wide variety of tasks. Bichon can even turn off the screen if the phone is not being used, so you’ll never miss a single call again. The full-service smartphone features integrated into the Note have helped it achieve very high levels of customer satisfaction – this is likely a feature that the company will continue to support, since the Note is such a success so far.