
Smartphones – Mobile Phone With Social Media Interface


Smartphones – Mobile Phone With Social Media Interface

A smartphone is an affordable mobile device that merges mobile phone and internet functions into a single device. In the recent years, there has been an intense boom in the usage of smartphones. It is widely used in the countries such as China, India, and Indonesia. Apart from providing the user with a touch screen interface to operate the device, smartphone also provides several options to perform web browsing. One can use a smart phone to surf the internet and check email or even use it for entertainment purposes such as viewing videos on YouTube.

The success of smartphones can be attributed to its unmatched combination of a mini computer along with a cell phone. Although the internet on a smartphone was initially slow and unresponsive, the arrival of the latest operating systems such as Android OS and Kit Kat OS has provided a turning point to the field. It is now equipped with great power and speed that enable the user to browse through the net and do multiple tasks at the same time. It has also provided users with a secure and convenient access to store crucial information, communicate with their colleagues, and edit picture and videos.

To cater to the increasing demands of the users, several third party mobile apps companies such as Google Android and Apple iPhone have entered the league to bring more exciting and useful features to smartphone users. These mobile apps are available free of cost and are designed keeping in mind the unique requirements of smartphone users. They provide a plethora of exciting and useful features that help in augmenting the functionality of a smartphone. Examples of popular and useful mobile apps include weather, camera, Foursquare, Wikipedia, and Evernote. In order to take full advantage of these apps, one can download them from the Android Market and the Apple Store.